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Email: mail@union-mould.com

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  Mould Solution
  Mould Design & Build
  Mould Debugging
  Plastic Inject Molding
  Rubber Molding
  Blow Molding Case
  Transfer Molding
  Packing for shipment


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  Mould Design & Build  
UNION believe GOOD mould design is the key of quality mold making.
Only good quality mould could produce quality enclosures and components, for those can improve your sales and company brand.
mold design 2d layout

mold design 3d layout

With latest design software of "Pro/Engineer, Solidworks, UG, Alibre-Design, AucoCAD..." and our profound knowledge and experience, we design the mold carefully.


We will combine with your mold-life request, design the optimal mold which can meet the expectancy.


Optimal and economical solution with high quality guaranteed- that's our ability.


For complicated parts, we will use CAE software to simulating the flow, guarantee everything on right way.

mold flow analysis

We have advanced facilities for the tool creation (such as high-speed CNC machine, EDM, Grinding machine and wire-cut machine), our workers also have abundant technique and experience on the tool making.

We are professionals, we guarantee all tools create strictly as per approval design.

With good steel and proper structure, we will guarantee our tool runs correctly with your molding machines.

we specialize with,

   - general 2 plate & 3 plate molds ;

   - mold with sliders ;

   - hot runner mould ;

   - over-molding mould ;

   - insert mold ;

union_mold assembly cnc machine cnc machine
edm machine mold polish,surface treatment mold design department

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